Saturday, April 18, 2009

Web 2.0: Google ad words the webinar series

I may have mentioned the fact that I am currently trying to finish up my MBA (in break neck fashion.......I'm just tired of school, but I think I am learning alot). Well the Web 2.0 strategy class I am enrolled in has provided with the opportunity to learn more about why businesses and entrepreneurs should implement these technologies, not how I can as tech professional I can implement these technologies(In other words don't think about what tools I need to make these things work but how I should try to use these things to make my company more efficient or increase revenue). Well our Professor Bliss, has had a series of informative speakers come to class and talk about how they view and utilize, and where they see these technologies taking us into the future. One speaker mentioned the power of Google adwords and how this tool has been key in new marketing campaigns. So I decided to research AdWords a little more. I can across Google's AdWords Webinars series.

These series of webinars cover everything from "Getting Started & Tracking Conversions" to "Advanced B2B Advertising". These webinars are hosted by Google employees, many of which have had a major role in developing different aspects of Ad words and and Google Analytics (a web hosted tool set that allows customers to view multiple reports on how effective their websites are performing). I recommend anyone who has an e-commerce website who is trying to drive traffic to their purchase page to definitely check out this source of free information. Even if you don't choose to use Google's tools you can learn alot about how to drive more traffic to your site by using the correct keywords.

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