Friday, January 16, 2009

Why so connected!!!!

Well here I am again trying this soapbox thing again.

Today I want to talk about these mobile devices that seem to be taking over everyone's life. Adults with busy careers are addicted to their "Crackberries". I heard on the news about some 12 year old girl in San Fran and how her parents received some 400 page telephone bill. Turns out the kid is sending 500+ messages a day.....WTF. The kid has a cell phone....CALL SOMEBODY. The buttons will wear out before she grows out of her clothes. I see people "multitasking" everywhere. I'm sorry but I don't think trying to drive while talking on speaker phone and trying to text and drink coffee at the same time is multitasking.

If that not bad enough now this Web 2.0 stuff is only making it worse. Now the idjits can drive and update their facebook status at the same time. I mean really, do I have to know that at this very moment you are making a left hand turn going into the mall to get some more of that nasty a$$ coffee that everyone is addicted to.

What make these hand held marvels of technology so addicting. And is there any level off or limit people will reach with their usage. Well I searched my favorite business article site "BNET" and I came across a couple of archived articles. "BlackBerry devices grow in popularity" by Dickinson, Casey J states that these devices are "helping busy professionals take work wherever they go. The calculator-sized wireless device allow users to make phone calls, send and receive e-mail, and run a host of computer applications. The BlackBerry has a "QWERTY" keyboard and LCD display for surfing the Internet. Users can load software onto the BlackBerry via a computer connection to their desktop PC." Hell we already knew that to be the case but once again what is it about being so connected that we find so fascinating?????

So I did another search on "BlackBerry" addiction and came up with a whole host of articles. One very short article I found on a UK website ( stated that
"Blackberry email devices can be so addictive that owners may need to be weaned off them with treatment similar to that given to drug users, experts warned today." Now I can admit to being addicted the PS2 and 3 Madden Football....playing football from 11pm till 6 pm the next day. But to be so addicted to a mobile device that you have to take technology methadone is scary. "One key sign of a user being addicted is if they focus on their Blackberry ignoring those around them." That seems to be everyone who has one of these damn things connected to his head. Oh well who knows maybe they are really multitasking..... YEAH RIGHT!!!!!

Well this is Debo again.....I am taking my soapbox to the bar and getting some tequila!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. No joke! No fun to try to have a face-to-face convo with someone who is constantly "buzzing" and flipping that thing over to see if the buzz-er is more important than me. Also, hillarious to watch men use their big fingers (even wrapped around a stylus) to try to text on those little keys. If you can't text with your thumbs, give it up. Activate your voice-call feature and just ring 'em up!
